Cant’ wait to fully read the new children’s book Mini Rabbit : Not Lost nicely illustrated by John Bond and published by Harper Collins Children’s Book. Announced release date : October 23th, 2018.
Le P’tit Libé, it’s a monthly interactive topic that explains the news to kids. The issue n°3 helps parents to talk to their children about the Paris attacks on November 13th 2015, supports them to find the right words and explain the inexplicable.
La lampe Lumio portable et multifonctions se déplie comme un livre et donne envie à n’importe quel enfant d’aller au lit pour lire ou écouter tranquillement une belle histoire.
The Lumio multi-functional portable lamp unfolds from a book and makes any kids feel like going to bed for reading or quietly listening to a great story.
Le Dollhouse Book (Livre Maison de Poupées) de Rock & Pebble est facile à emporter partout et super amusant à remplir pour nos petits designers intérieurs !! (via)
The Dollhouse Book by Rock & Pebble is easy to carry around and very fun to fill for our little interior designers !! (via)
Le livre d’images interactif pour enfants Hide & Eek réunit de mystérieuses illustrations invisibles à chaque page se révélant uniquement par la lumière, en positionnant la source lumineuse sous la page. Un supercool cadeau d’anniversaire pour enfants !
Hide & Eek interactive picture book features mystery images hidden on each illustrated sheet which can be revealed by turning out the lights and shining a flashlight behind the page. A supercool kids birthday gift !
© Interior Designer Amelia Laster, AKBD